: Replica props, GIjOE, WWII gear

Storyboards part II
On this page, you can see some of the preproduction storyboards made for the fan film. Artist Larry Kitchen, using the rough draft of the script and markers, some Adobe Photoshop, and a lot of imagination, Larry has visualized the story. This will make it much easier for the production crew to 'see' the shots we need for the film. Here is a sneak peek! More to come!

Exterior, Daytime:

The camera pans across a jungle planet, as we draw closer, not all is peaceful.

[storyboard 11a]


Exterior, Daytime:

The camera pans down into the jungle. We see smoke. We hear the sounds of war.

[storyboard 11b]

[storyboard 11a]

[storyboard 11b]

Exterior, Daytime Cliff:

The camera follows 2 trooper fighting their way across a chasm. An X-wing fighter scrafs the ground.We see explosions, the troopers are running for their lives.

[storyboard 12]

The second trooper is hit by the explosion and goes down. The first trooper stops to render aid. It is hopeless, the trooper on the ground is dead. The X-wing starts to makes another pass, the trooper fires his weapon, and moves out of frame.

[storyboard 12a]

The X-wing is seen making another pass. The camera fades to black. We hear the blasters fire, and the roar of it's engine.

[storyboard 13]

[storyboard 12]

[storyboard 12a]

[storyboard 13]

Exterior, Daytime:

The camera pans up from low to the ground, moving across a battlefield. Littered with debris, abandoned weapons and the bodies of the dead. Explosions can be heard. The ground is scorched. Smoke fills the air. In a makeshift foxhole, several troopers are laying in the muddy soil. One pokes his head up and scans the tree line with his electro-binoculars. He sees movement. A few bolts from an off screen shooter blaze over his head.

[storyboard 14]

[storyboard 14]


“Keep that head down, mister!”

[storyboard 15]


“Looks like we have some more moving in on us.”


“Can ya tell how many?”


“Not sure, maybe a hundred.” He fastens his electro-binoculars to his belt.  “Maybe more.”

[storyboard 15a]

The situation is dire as the troopers look around for the enemy. These troopers are dirty, bloodied, and tired.

[storyboard 15]

[storyboard 15a]

[storyboard 16]

From off screen, we hear some movement. TK560 and TK091 aim their weapons, ready to blast whoever, or whatever it might be…

[storyboard 16]


“Don’t shoot! Its just me.” He slides into the foxhole.

Transport is on it’s way. 21 hours at least. Do you think these Rebels will try another attack, Sergeant?”

TK883 readies his heavy DL-19 blaster. He is the trooper we saw earlier sending the message.

The veteran troops look at one another then to the new trooper, and nods.


“Where is your partner?”


“He didn’t make it.” Spoken in a sad tone.

The troopers say nothing more. But the looks they give one another tells the story. The loss of this trooper can be felt and seen. Together this tiny 4 man group was close nit, and had seen many campaigns together. Now, the loss of this unnamed soldier hits the veterans hard. If nothing else, his death strengthens the fighting resolve of the others.

[storyboard 17]

Time passes. We see the troopers moving about in the muddy foxhole. Laser blasts fly over head from time to time. [insert human interest element here]

[storyboard 18]

"I've served my 20 ears, I'm due to retire in a few weeks. This is my last campaign."

The laser bolts stop. The troopers, like instinct in some predators, take up defensive positions in the foxhole. [storyboard 18a]

[storyboard 18]


[storyboard 18a]

TK560 presses a series of buttons on his electro-binoculars.

[storyboard 19a]

He then holds it up over his head and points it towards the source of the laser bolts.

[storyboard 19b]

In a sort of hand-held video-camera move he scans the shoreline for the enemy by remote.  A sort of poor-mans periscope.

[storyboard 19a]

[storyboard 19b]

After looking at the shoreline footage,

[storyboard 20a]

TK560 turns to TK883…


“Get that big gun ready.” He then looks at TK091

“They’re on the move.”

Suddenly the three troopers stand up and begin to lay down some serious firepower.

[storyboard 20b]

The smaller E-11 blaster that TK560 and TK091 carry are fierce, but nothing like the sight of the big DL-19. TK883, holding that big gun at his hip begins to blast away, on full automatic. [Think scene from Predator with the mini-gun] A near constant stream of firepower flows from that big gun.

[storyboard 20c]

After a few seconds. The returning fire ceases. The three survey their handy work. Satisfied they thwarted the Rebel advance, they slip back into the foxhole.

[storyboard 20d]

[storyboard 20]

[storyboard 20a]

[storyboard 20b]

[storyboard 20c]

[storyboard 20d]

Storyboards 1-10 | Storyboards 21-30

Last update Feb. 6, 2006

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